Sunday, October 31, 2010

New interview following Top 25 + "Ludicolo" - Behind the scenes

There is another new interview on the station following today's Top 25 Countdown. Also, I wanted to give some background info on how "Ludicolo", the Lady Gaga parody I posted yesterday, came to be:

It took me a while to write this one. It all started when I decided I needed to write another parody when I was headed to Pokemon Worlds this year. A few of the flight segments (Denver->LA and LA->Hawaii) had inflight audio, so I thought I would take a listen and see what I could come up with. I had a couple of ideas, but this one really jumped out at me, because after all in Pokemon, you really do "call their name". Once I figured out what the title was and who it was by, I decided to start writing. I wanted to tell a story with this one, so I came up with the idea of a Pokemon that had been defeated recently and was unsure of itself but had a trainer that was still willing to put her faith in it.

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