Tuesday, March 04, 2014

New music for the week of 3/3/2014 + Ralph Schuckett part 4 + Rival Destinies DVD set 3

Two new tracks on the station this week. One from the Japanese version of Billie Piper's "Walk of Life" album:

-Makin' My Way (Remix)

The differences between this version and the one on The First Movie's soundtrack are subtle, but if you listen carefully, they're there.

We also have another track from Ruby and Sapphire:

-Ending Theme

Also, part four of our interview with Ralph Schuckett is up:

This part covers Pokemon 3: Spell of the Unown.

Also, thanks to a tip from a fan, we've found out that the third volume of Rival Destinies will be released on DVD in the US on June 17th:


Volume two is scheduled for release on March 25th.

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